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Who We Are

Our Mission

The mission of Apparition Mission is to listen to dead people.  We exist to document the existence of spirits using scientific methods, equipment and experiences.  We will then take those experiences and post them for the world to see.  


Our members have Degrees in English, Engineering, Psychology, Education and backgrounds as Chef's, Hostage Negotiators, SWAT Commanders, Law Enforcement, Sales, Defense Space Command and more.  We are diverse, eclectic and more.  We are here to listen and learn from the dead.


We are Christian and we use prayers of protection in our endeavors.  We will set free those spirits who feel lost and seek to be released from wherever they feel they are trapped and if we are attacked, we will not shy away from spiritual battle.  But, we will leave it for the clerics, even though our Leader, Bill Turner, is a Pastor.  

the film
The facts
The mission


Prayer Of Protection Before Going Into Any Apparition Mission Investigation!

Lord God we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Father & Savior,

We ask of you to anoint us with the blood of Jesus that was shed when he died on the cross for all our sins.

I know that we all fall far from perfect & are not worthy of your glory & we are very thankful that you are truly a loving & forgiving God.

We are asking for you to watch over us as we go into battle against any & all unclean spirits,

Guard us & protect us from the evil things that we can, & cannot see that try to harm us,

Guide us & lead us while we help those who need our assistance,

We ask that you allow us to see, hear, feel & capture the things that are needed in order for us to determine what level of spirits that dwell inside the home & on the property so that we can help these families who contact us.

We ask that you use us to help every family & individual that call upon us & seek our assistance, asking us to help them being that we are a willing vessel.

Show us what you would have us do, put us where you would have us be, have those you would have us help contact us.

Give us the courage & the strength to be strong & to help each family member & individual that you put us in contact with.

Help us give them peace from the spirits that torment their life's

Protect the families that we help & shield us all with the Blood of Jesus to give us safety & keep us all out of harm’s way.

Allow us not to be deceived but to recognize the deceiver, allow us to discern the good from the evil as we guide every good spirit to the direction, they need to go in order to reside in your kingdom for eternity.

Give us the knowledge, the wisdom, the power & the protection through the Blood of Jesus to fight off the Demons & any other evil spirits

that try to bind & hinder the work that is needed done & that are dwelling in the life's & in the homes of the families.

We ask that you send these evil, demonic, unclean spirits back to the pits of hell from whence they came, as we now openly rebuke them in the name & through the Blood of Jesus Christ our Father & Savior.

We ask that you place your hands upon the lives of us & these families & keep us in your light.


We ask all these things & give you all the glory & praise.

"In Jesus name we pray Amen"


Pastor Bill Turner, Leader – The Apparition Mission



Kamiak A14 was a unique apartment.  Upstairs, on the end, despite being numbered A14, which would usually indicate a downstairs unit.  It was a Washington State University Married Student Housing Unit, for the college impaired, budget minded student.  It wasn’t a low end student apartment but it wasn’t exactly high end apartment either…at $197 a month, furnished, for three rooms (Living Room/Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom), all utilities included, it was what one would expect, a place to live indoors while going to Wazzu, but it wasn’t a luxury apartment and it wasn’t ghetto fabulous either.  In 1981, it was, for me and Wife 1.0 perfect.  We shared it with Jack Daniels, a black and white television, a large Sherwood rack stereo and what we would discover was a jealous, female ghost. 


There happened to be many instances of contact with this female spirit, ranging from floating apparitions and her disrupting intimate contact by hurling paintings, medium sized potted plants, tower speakers and more, across the room and finally driving us out of the apartment by having intimate physical contact with me one night in such a manner that I, a man who is scared of nothing, who has almost died eleven times, had last rites eight times, been stabbed numerous times and so much more, was scared like never before and nothing since.  Please allow me to tell you one of my ghost stories, but perhaps, my most intimate ghost story, one in which a female spirit attached herself to me in a way that most men dream of, until it happens to them…


Being a newlywed couple, sex was a big part our relationship.  However, with every moment of intimacy there was a new moment of spirit interaction.  At first, it started as the feeling of being watched, then progressed to seeing a white mist out of the corner of my eye while in bed or in the bedroom.  Wife 1.0 would feel cold spots in the apartment, become frightened when in the apartment alone, get the feeling that she was being watched, sometimes feel like her hair was being pulled (No, it wasn’t me, as I was either at work, or on campus, in class) and the new Sherwood stereo would change from the music she preferred (Top 40) to the music I preferred (Rock and Metal).  When I was home alone, I never experienced any of this.  However, when we both were home, it was not uncommon for me to experience the sensation of someone being in the shower with me when no one was, someone standing behind me while I shaved, when no one was, or someone leaning over my shoulder while I studied at the dining room table while Wife 1.0 was asleep in the other room.  This was not the worse of the things that happened. 


We experienced poltergeist activity on a regular basis as time our passed.  Aside from hearing footsteps in the kitchen and living room while having sex in the bedroom, it was not uncommon for the stereo volume to change (the stereo as located in the living room and we would be in the bedroom) during intercourse, or things to move in the living room.  On multiple occasions a 36 x 48-inch framed lithograph that was framed and securely hung on the wall with molly’s and screws did not fall down but flew across the twelve-foot room and landed against the wall on the other side, resulting our having to not only clean up the broken glass, but replace the glass in the frame.  After the fifth or sixth time replacing this glass, we had to discard the lithograph, because the glass sliced the lithograph beyond repair. 


More to come….


Bill Turner, Leader – The Apparition Mission

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