Paranormal is quickly becoming the new normal. Is this due to the amount of Baby Boomers who are passing away and entering the spirit world or a combination of that and the remaining ones facing their mortality and delving into spirituality, trying to understand what awaits? Or, is there some other force we don’t understand, beside the ghost condominium filling up? Whatever the reason, people are becoming more aware of and more accepting of the spirit world than ever before. To go with this new acceptance, television has become inundated with shows centered around the dead and hunting the dead, the internet is full of websites devoted to hunting the dead, video’s documenting the dead and online shopping sites where people interested in purchasing equipment in assisting them in hunting the dead, capturing their voices, pictures and more on electronic media, can find all they desire, but one thing has remained constant throughout time, everything old is new again…crystals. Black Quartz is still the most powerful stone available to protect people, particularly the people who hunt ghosts, spirits, poltergeists and apparitions.
Black quartz offers protection, to those who wear it. It is a stone of purification, meditation, balance, healing and expansion of consciousness. It is typically found in the Tibetan area of the Himalayas. Black quartz is popular among those in the paranormal world, who often carry it in their pocket, wear it around their neck, keep it in their ghost hunting equipment, use it with their psychic abilities and spells. For those who operate in the paranormal realm, black quartz does a lot more than it will do for others, for if you know the prayers of protection, if your have the faith of a healer, a protector, you can use the power, the energy of black quartz to prevent psychic attack, to keep you away from physical harm, psychic harm, purify your environment, provide you with support during times of change, ease your fears, infuse you with confidence, center your energies, allow you to surround yourself with love and light when under attack, thus purifying your aura. The energy within the black quartz will assist you and work like a light in the dark, its energies acting like window washer fluid cleansing the debris from the windshield of life. Using black quartz for meditation will give you better understanding and help you achieve clarity. If you have recently had surgery or a health issue, meditation over the surgery or health issue using black quartz will help the healing. Incorporate it into your prayer. Don’t steer away from God. Call upon God but also use the power of black quartz. As Hunter S. Thompson once said, “Call upon God, but row away from the rocks”.
There are things in life that work outside the realm of medicine. Medicine works outside the realm of the Lord. God works outside the realm of all of it. Why not use everything that is available to you in times of trouble? I can only speak for myself, but when the Angel of Death was standing next to my hospital bed one night, the Priest was at the foot of the bed, two nurses were holding IV bags and two doctors where frantically working on me, I called upon God, but I used everything in my Bat Utility Belt to get through it. “Call upon God, but row away from the rocks”. Do what you got to do. For me that means use everything at your disposal. The members on my team, on Apparition Mission, wear black quartz when we go out to ghost hunt. We use prayers of protection to start, in case we get into trouble, to close, so we don’t take a spirit home with us and we smudge with sage at the end too. Why? Why not? Be safe, take no chances. Call upon God, but row away from the rocks.
Bill Turner, Leader – Apparition Mission
