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  • Writer's pictureBill Turner

The Night Of The Apparition

Living in a haunted homestead cabin is an amazing thing for a paranormal investigator. The cabin is over one hundred years old, in an area the Ute Indians used to inhabit. It is less than a half of a mile from the location of two hotel fires on Hotel Gulch Road. The spirit activity has been a nuisance and amusing. The orbs entertain the dogs. Watching cabinet doors open by themselves is interesting. The sounds of footsteps when home alone can be alarming, but most of the activity increases center around household changes, such as one of the daughters leaving for college, the other one moving out, converting one of the daughters bedrooms into an art room for the wife…However, this is all relatively normal, once we performed an exorcism on the home, to remove a dark spirit and closed a portal in the master bedroom closet that was allowing a dark presence to enter the room at 3:00am.

Using the Spirit Box, we have captured voices in the living room, but the language was not English. It is possible that the voices are Spanish, but they could also be Native American, based upon the Ute Indian history in the area. Prior to the exorcism on the house and the closing of the portal we experienced shadow people in the home. The paranormal being what it is, it is difficult to determine how much of the activity came with the home and how much of it came with this investigator.

Having had a long history of activity that attracts the paranormal, possible demons and other haunting type behavior, it is obvious that an attachment is involved. In an effort to remove the attachment(s) my wife did a cleansing ceremony to free me from whatever it is that has lingered with me for most of my life. I suppose sneaking into a mortuary as a kid, playing in the drawers for the bodies, using a Ouija Board with my friends grandmother, who was a Louisiana voodoo practitioner, and being in numerous haunted locations, participating in a variety of activities, in the line of duty, that brought about darkness probably contributed to the attachment(s). I didn’t know about attachments and protection when I was younger, it wasn’t until I was in my fifties and became a paranormal investigator that I became aware of the dangers of my previous activities.

Despite the cleansing ceremony, performing the exorcism on the house and closing the portal, paranormal activity has continued, even increasing as occupants of the home have moved in and moved out. It is not uncommon for kitchen cabinets to open and close on their own, for items in the kitchen such as pot holders, to fly off of the counter, for a closet in the hall that is affectionately called, “The Ghost Closet” to open randomly, when no one is in the hall, therefor it is not subject to weight on the floor or vibrations of people walking by.

Aside from the occasional growl, there is little audible activity. However, my wife and paranormal investigative partner has seen shadows and apparitions. With the increased activity after the daughters moved out, the dogs have seen things, as they sit and stair at whatever it is making the noise and the chihuahua will yelp and jump as if something unexpectedly touched her. However, on September 30th, 2020 at approximately 0034 hours I awoke to the second apparition I have seen in our master bedroom. The first apparitions were prior to the exorcism and were not full figures, just upper torso apparitions hovering over the bedroom door. The ghost/apparition on September 30th was a full body apparition.

Ghosts are energy. When we die our soul/spirit goes to its destination, heaven, or hell. Our body is disposed of, either via burial or cremation. However, our energy never dies. As Einstein and Hawking have demonstrated, energy never dies. The morning of September 30th I awoke to a presence on my side of the bed. I felt the bed move, as if it was nudged and felt my law enforcement training kick in. I became alert prior to opening my eyes, sensed something next to the bed and when I opened my eyes a bit I saw a man, about six foot two inches tall standing over me, with sandy blonde hair, short on top, shaved on the side, dressed in white. I realized the intruder was too close to my gun for me to grab it from the holster on the side of bed (slides between the mattress and platform) and come up shooting effectively. However, behind the person (at that time I did not know it was an apparition) on the floor, were shoes and a clothes basket, that I hoped would cause it to fall backwards over, giving me time to retrieve my 10mm handgun and begin shooting center body mass, as the person staggered against the wall. The achieve the space I needed I extended my left leg in a kicking manner, attempting to strike the person in the hip/side with my shin. As I delivered what I hoped would be a devastating blow I was shocked to watch my leg pass through the body of the intruder. I yelled, “Get the light” waking up my wife. I kicked the intruder two more times, attempting shin strikes, each time my leg passed through the intruder. As my wife awoke and turned on the light, the intruder vanished. My heart was racing, and I explained to the wife what had happened. It needs to be noted that I had taken no sleep medication, no anxiety medication, no illegal or illicit drugs, there was no reason for me to see the apparition, aside from the fact that it was there.

Given the increase in activity over past few weeks, due to the changes in the home (the girls moving out), the wife taking one of the bedrooms for an art room and the impending conversion of the other room into a gun room, I strongly suspect there will be more activity to come. It is time for us to do a full-fledged investigation on our home again, using EVP Recorders, night vision and other video recording devices, attempting Spirit Box contact, and diving deeper into what remains. We are sure that the dark spirits are gone and the portal is closed but what has remained was friendly until this (and it could be friendly too, it is just that we do not know what it is, at this point).

Stay tuned…

Bill Turner – Paranormal Investigator, Author, Nefarious Rogue and Scandrel


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