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  • Writer's pictureBill Turner

Exorcism, Attachments and Removal

The demon was back. Many factors entered into this determination, such as my health, the light on a piece of electronics that was extinguished with the last exorcism, the shadow person had returned, and the presence of evil had come back. Having spent most of my life cloaked in darkness, from my early teens using a Ouija board with a voodoo lady from Louisiana and her son(s), one of which was a Hells Angel, to my adult life spent performing deeds of darkness for the government. Given my background, my entanglement with darkness, dark spirits and demons (Including my dabbling in the Necronomicon and attempting to go through all the gates leading to hell. Alas, that was long ago, when I was a young godless man in college). I have encountered other demons and demonic people as I spent my life in the shadows, including Medusa, a voodoo priestess. Somewhere along the way I picked up an attachmentthat has caused me much harm, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

An exorcism needed to be done but before it could happen without harm to myself or my soul, I needed my spirit attachment removed. I had performed an exorcismupon the house previously and had performed another spirit removal within the house, previously and each time accepted the peril of being a Christian Warrior. Each time, my health and my spirit were placed in peril and things got worse for me. Satan and his minions have great influence on earth. On February 10, 2020 I was taken by the hand and led down a long hall, up the steps and into the bed chamber. Candles had been lit, placed adjacent to the chair that awaited me, white candles for purity and protection, along with black candles behind me, lit to provide protection. The wife of this Christian Warrior began the ceremony by stating her love for me as I stated my love for her. Carefully she read from a prepared prayer, a statement of both love and cleansing, using Holy Water and the candles, to exorcise the attachment from me, the demon or spirit that had clung to my soul for decades was carefully removed. As we went through the process a dark feeling moved down my right arm, through me elbow and into my forearm, wherein it made my muscle spasm (something that never happened before). The spasm was profound, in rhythm, as if something were shooting out of my forearm. Suddenly the spasm stopped, and a sense of calm washed over me. My wife continued the ceremony and upon completion I felt both relieved and at peace.

On the night of 2.10.2020, in anticipation of the exorcism and closing of the portal in our bedroom I felt extreme anxiety, as if the portal in the closet and corner of the bedroom was active. At 1:15 am, the light on the electronic device that had previously been exorcised, along with the exorcism of the home. Calling upon God, demanding the dark spirit casting a shadow that was darker than the darkness in the room, I commanded the spirit to leave. Within a minute the shadow retreated to the closet, where the portal was believed to be, and the light extinguished. This is not the end of this tale, for a ceremony closing the portal and exorcising the demon/dark spirit in the room began shortly before 9:00 am. Closing the bedroom door, sealing it with prayer and kosher salt, a Holy Water cross above the door, I opened the window and gave an escape route for the spirit. All ghosts and demons are just like people, made of energy. The energy needed a way to escape. Using a specific “Our Father” to provide protection for myself, from an attachment or possession, I entered into an exorcism and closing of the portal, using a, “Prayer for the deliverance of a person or place” as prescribed by the Catholic Church, which overseas exorcism. Upon the closing of ceremony, after laying the silver crucifix at the proper places, anointing them with Holy Water and casting out the darkness, I used the, “Prayer against every evil” to further the protection against myself and the evil returning. Sealing the portal in prayer, kosher salt and Holy Water I closed the window, sealed the exit and thanked God for his grace and strength.

It has now been over four hours since the ceremony and I feel blessed, healthy and secure. The room and portal feel closed, no longer giving off the sense of darkness and dread it had. The house is sealed and is once again a home. If the portal or the dark spirit return, I will get medieval on the darkness, in a way that only a Christian Warrior, a former battle worn warrior can and will. I shall punish the evil as only I can.

Bill Turner – Pastor, Nefarious Rogue and Rapscallion


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