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Satan's Influence On Earth

Writer's picture: Bill TurnerBill Turner

As most people are aware, mankind has a date with destiny, we shall dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. A final battle between good and evil is ordained, it cannot be avoided, the two biggest kids on the block are going to fight. It always happens. They feel each other out, some pushing, shoving, name calling and such, it is written, the Bible tells us so, the prophets tell us so, the one thing that is not clear is when.

Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul to waste

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Satan and his minions have grown bolder over the past decade, pushing the boundaries of society, taking over industries such as Music, Television and the Movie Industry, emboldening stars and lesser demons in politics and the world to speak out regarding their demonic activity, drawing in others, preying upon the weak of mind, the lesser, who seek to be strong, who do not have it within themselves to do so without Satan. Tribulations and the End of Days are coming, when is anyone’s guess. Our souls are our own, to guide, protect and steer.

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

Many will tell you that Satan doesn’t exist. They are wrong. If God exists, then so does the Devil. In order for good to exist, evil must exist; the Yin and Yang of the universe mandates that opposites exist and attract. One could list evil events in the world and assign them to Satan but attributing them to the Devil for causation would be wrong, when there is no direct proof. I cannot clearly state that puppies, kittens and rainbows come from God, so assigning all evil to Satan is assumptive and wrong. Instead, let us take what we know, either from the persons statements, attribution(s) from others, made in public or the press, that have not been rebutted, or been addressed in court or had apologies demanded due to the outrageous nature of the statements, leading to the belief that they are true and credible. These statements lead society and this paranormal investigator to believe that they are true and accurate.

Satan’s agenda is to destroy the world and the fastest way to do so is to gain access to the youth via music, movies and television. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll from the 1960’s has given way to rock, rap, YouTube and MTV. Artists allegedly sign contracts in their own blood and “jokingly” admit to selling their soul to the devil to get famous, however, it isn’t a joke and they aren’t joking. When stars like Christian Bale openly and publicly thank Satan for his success, when this is met with no push back from the public, then you know we have entered dark days. A decade ago it would not have been safe for a star to make a statement like this and if one did, it would not have passed without public backlash and protests. However, Christians are being killed worldwide, and it is not safe for them to publicly speak out in protest against demons and demonic behavior, even though that is the only way to halt it.

The list of celebrities who worship Satan is long and will shock you. When LaVey published the Satanic Bible the tabloids rocked the world with names like Jayne Mansfield, Liberace, Sammy Davis Jr (Who had a television show where he played the devil), many others besides the obvious Marilyn Manson and members of Led Zeppelin (Remember Led Zeppelin IV and the ZoZo reference?). Beyonce and Jay-Z are obviously self-professed Satan worshippers. Their jewelry, power worship and stage show demonstrate their affinity for the dark lord. They have not denied it, they have not sued anyone who have accused them of it and given the damaging nature of such accusations, the careful crafting of their reputations and their selection of their clothes and jewelry, they would lose any such lawsuit.

The evil that is the Television, Recording and Music Industry is spilling into the general public as people are no longer willing to keep the secrets, as the devil worshippers like Christian Bale are speaking out, like Beyonce and Jay-Z are becoming more open in their worship of the dark lord and A List Stars like Mel Gibson are speaking out, telling secrets, saying things about the secrets of the powerful satanic leaders in Hollywood. Mel Gibson has said that Hollywood Studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” and that the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own”. Mel Gibson stated, “It’s an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for.” Gibson went on to say, “What do I mean? This isn’t some kind of artistic abstraction. They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. They believe this gives them life force. If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force.This is the kind of evil, the kind of satanic behavior, that when indulged in, leaves an evil, paranormal imprint in an area, that cannot be erased. The area of the Hollywood Studios, the Hollywood Hills, the homes where these parties, these rituals have taken place, cannot be exorcised, cannot be cleansed. This is the kind of evil that cannot be washed from the stones, the concrete, the memories of the dirt and waters. The evil people, rituals and beings who have defiled the Native American Grounds of Southern California for their perverse satanic ways have permeated the earth with evil. Until the Lord returns and smites down their evil deity and cleanses these grounds with his prayers and presence, all we can do is stop these soul bandits from perpetrating this evil upon the innocent.

Satan has no place on earth or in Heaven. If he has bothered to read the Bible the dark lord knows how this shall end. I have read the Bible and I know who wins, how this shall end, and it doesn’t end well for Satan. There is normal, paranormal, good and evil. Prayer exists because it works. Satan get thee to a nunnery. There is no place for old demons. God is the greatest love and pure warrior. The Lord shall prevail, it is written. These weak people in Hollywood cannot help you just because you can bend their minds. They are weak, worthless vermin, barely human. May God have mercy upon you, for the Christian Warrior inside the rest of us shall not.

Bill Turner – Pastor, Apparition Mission



1 Comment

Mar 30, 2019

I can't wait for your videos!

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