Paranormal events and the world of the paranormal is most commonly described as events that happen outside of normal experience or scientific explanation. As you shall see, the scientific community is very exclusive, and they do not like, not allow in, those they disagree with, do not understand or cannot explain. For the most part, scientists are arrogant, insufferable pricks. I like scientists about as much as I like dry anal rape, which is to say, not very much. Scientists allege that the paranormal is different from scientific hypotheses and speculations, which have been extrapolated from scientific evidence. They allege scientific ideas are grounded in empirical observations and evidence, data gathered via the scientific method, just like they did for global warming, aka, climate change, the made up, fictional data and studies that purport to show, via bogus studies and data, the lies scientists created out of lies and falsified data to show the results they sought not the facts the data gave them. So, as you can see, scientists have no credibility and I think I’ll not trust this current generation of practical liars. You. Are. Welcome.
Scientists allege that those involved in paranormal investigation base their observations on anecdote, testimony and suspicion. Of course, given the falsehoods, forgery and fakery of science over the past few decades one can see why they would think this. Most paranormal groups are made up of a diverse group of individuals, using highly technical scientific equipment, measuring the environment that they are operating in. The groups are not acting alone, they are individuals, acting as a scientific team, each with a specific job or role within the team, including a documentarian, using a digital camera, often with night vision, to record the events when the team is investigating. The teams use EMF Meters, Laser Guided Thermometers, high tech digital recorders to pick up voices that the human ear cannot detect (EVP’s), SB-7’s to attract spirits and other tools to attract spirit energy. The tools used by Paranormal Groups are no different than tools used by scientists in the lab or field. These tools are all created by scientists and engineers, something scientists discount. Some paranormal teams are made up with actual scientists and investigators, professional investigators, such as Apparition Mission from Woodland Park Colorado. The scientific community would discount this team on face value, ignoring the fact that the team is made up of a degreed engineer who worked with the Department of Defense, Space Command, a former member of the law enforcement community who was a SWAT Commander, Hostage Negotiator, Investigator and Soldier of Fortune, a graphic artist and sign language interpreter…the team recently added a Priest for exorcisms and a Psychic Medium as well. Their motto is: Science not superstition.
Some of the biggest errors made in the scientific community is that of being lazy. There are many reasons for this but the biggest one is they are lazy. Today’s scientists are used to starting with the conclusion and working backwards rather than starting with an idea and using the scientific method, conducting experiments and working towards a conclusion. Due to this laziness, todays class of scientists have chosen to lump ufology and other paranormal fields together. Ufology is a different study altogether and does not belong with other paranormal fields, yet the science community lumps it in with other studies. Lazy. If this is done because they do not understand and cannot tell one field from another, they should take the time to learn and discern one from another, for that is part of being a scientist.
Despite widespread physical evidence that ghosts exist, be it photographic negatives, EMF signals shown on video, digital images, SLS camera images and other physical imagery, the scientific community views ghosts and ghost evidence as largely anecdotal. Despite all of this, the belief in ghosts, spirits and the spirit world has remained very widespread and persistent over time. The scientific community alleges that their disbelief in ghosts is based upon the inability to study ghosts in the lab. I refer you to global warming, something scientists love, but cannot be studied in the lab, because it doesn’t exist, yet they love it so much they falsified the data, changed the name and made it climate change. But I digress. The anecdotal approach to investigation should never be used, in any form, for any investigation (And, I say this as a person who has done hundreds, if not thousands of investigations involving criminals and staff who have done criminal activity. Anecdotal evidence is not acceptable in court, for conviction or termination and should not be acceptable as proof for anything else either).
Calling oneself a “Parapsychologist” is akin to calling oneself a “Paravet”. Taking a few classes in animal husbandry does not make one a Veterinarian or Paravet any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Taking Psych 101 does not make you a Parapsychologist (Sorry Bill Murray from Ghostbusters). It is paramount for Paranormal Investigators aka Ghost Hunters, not to take themselves too seriously and to follow (get familiar with) Occam’s Razor. The concept of Occam’s Razor says that the simpler solution is usually the correct one. Reduce any situation to the ridiculous and find the simplest solution to what you found, rule out any possibility before accepting a paranormal outcome.
Modern scientists cling to research from forty years ago done by, “Bainbridge (1978) and Wuthnow (1976) found that the most susceptible people to paranormal belief are those who are poorly educated, unemployed or have roles that rank low among social values. The alienation of these people due to their status in society is said to encourage them to appeal to paranormal or magical beliefs”…Never mind the fact that many of these people are as educated or better educated than the scientists making these assertions. These people believe that those who believe in the paranormal, participate in paranormal research, join paranormal groups such as Apparition Mission have “low cognitive ability” “low IQ” and “low science education” (Meaning the DoD – Space Command Engineer and former SWAT Commander, who has a Psychology and English Degree, both of which have IQ’s that are in excess of 142 and 152 respectively, are “low IQ” “low science” and lack cognitive ability….Really?). It is common for academics to use the following hypotheses to explain involvement in the paranormal: Ignorance, Deprivation or Deficiency. The ignorance hypothesis is based on the arrogance of the academics believing the little people are stupid and uneducated. The deprivation hypothesis proposes that paranormal beliefs are the little people’s way of coping with psychological stressors and physical stressors, because the little people cannot manage their lives. Perhaps the most insulting hypothesis is the deficiency hypothesis which the academics allege the non-academics are low intelligent, mentally defective individuals, lacking in critical thinking skills, on the verge of psychosis. This gets a lot of support from academics because it feeds their beliefs that those involved in paranormal research are schizophrenic, suffering from personality disorders. The arrogance of the scientific and academic community is unbelievable. Racial differences are even more defined, showing that academics and scientists are some of the clearly defined racists in the world. Per American Surveys analyzed by Bader et. Al. in 2011 blacks have the highest belief in the paranormal (Note: This is based on the analysis of surveys not actual research) and the general trend is for “whites to show lesser belief” in paranormal subjects. Keep in mind all of the negative things academics and scientists said about those who believe in the paranormal, then insert the word “Blacks” for Paranormal Believers and ask yourself, “How f**king racist is that?”
While the validity of the paranormal is up for debate, one thing is certain, name calling by the academic and science community is not going to help. As someone with a high IQ, multiple four-year degrees, who has retired from multiple successful careers in established careers, with solid reputations in those careers, who has surrounded himself with degreed, established scientists, the finest equipment, established protocol for established data collection, I am confident that if the paranormal world exists, I shall prove it. I’ve seen it. I’ve felt it. I know it exists. Knowing the paranormal exists is one thing, proving it is another. I know the microwave works, with my EMF detector and video camera I can prove it. The paranormal world is no different. I encourage everyone to take a serious look at their ghost hunting practices, have fun with them, enjoy them, but leave no opportunity for the skeptics to refute your findings. Be safe, God bless and take home no attachments for the demons are real.
Bill Turner – Pastor, Leader, Apparition Mission
