With a bit of a mind flip you're there in the time slip and nothing can ever be the same… Time travel is possible, so says Einstein and Stephen Hawking, it is just that mankind hasn’t achieved it, but what if built into nature, the Time Slip AKA Time Travel, is possible? Instances of time slips have been reported throughout history, across time and are ever present. The character Rust Cohle from True Detective said, "Time is a flat circle. Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over again- forever." - which means we go through our linear life, crossing the circles of time again and again. Perhaps Friedrich Nietzsche was correct, time is a flat circle, not linear and due to this, time slips are real within nature and human nature, just not a scientific reality. Is nature ahead of us? It appears so. As history repeats, so does the likelihood of our having historical time slips, shared commonly across time.
Some of the most recognizable time slips involve The Vanishing Hotel, The White House, Liverpool and Shifting Stores. Each of these time slips involve more than one person and have been experienced over time, leading to speculation and conclusion regarding this form of time travel being a phenomenon of nature, not of science. Are some ghosts, more specifically, apparitions, just a time slip? These sightings involve people of the past wearing period clothing and many are caught on video with the popularity of camera phones…what creates these sightings if not time slips, a peak into the past? Science has not caught up with nature, but these instances go a long way towards explaining Deja vu and remembrances of things past, that we were not present for, at the time, but experience presently.
With time being a flat circle, something we experience again and again, rather than linear, something that happens only once in a lifetime, it is highly likely that we experience ripples in time as a time slip. Our minds are more complex and understand more than people give them credit for. The concept of time being a thing we experience over and over is just a thing we cannot replicate yet, but Dr. Who has done so and if Dr. Who can do it, so can we. I have experienced time slips (No, drugs were not involved). While on a business trip to Chicago, with time to kill, an associate and I went to Little Italy, among other places and while there, walking past an alley way, I peered down it and saw not a modern alley way, but one from the days of Capone. The dumpster was different, not the modern, plastic bins we now use, and the cars were different. Walking down the alley I was lost in another world, losing minutes and feeling drained when I snapped back to the present. My associate saw it too and although he did not feel the experience as deeply as I did, because I knew I had been down that alley before, even though I had not been to Chicago prior to this, he felt the loss of time, about ten minutes, and knew things had changed. We discussed our experience many times and each instance we remembered the experience the same, minus what I had felt as something deep, personal and profound, causing us to see it as a wrinkle in time.
Time slips are often thought of as a glimpse into the future as well. The concept stays true to the concept of time being a flat circle, in that not only do we see the past, over and over, we get to see the future, in a circular glimpse of what is to come, as time bleeds all over itself. Imagine, slipping through time, on a regular basis, because people master this part of the universe that thus far, only nature has mastered. At one time we couldn’t imagine flight, then we couldn’t imagine space flight…time slips are not far off when you look at the fact that flight and space travel didn’t happen that long ago.
Be as open minded to the concept of Time Slips as you are to the communist concept of Tolerance. Being tolerant means, you have no values, but society has accepted tolerance as dogma, when judgement and shame should be what we value, for it creates a better world, one free of pedophiles and other creeps. Being open to time slips creates a world of flight, in our minds. Einstein and Hawking both said that time slips are real, both are recognized as being ahead of their time and if these two rocket scientists know and can prove time and time slips with math (ick), who are we to argue? Even the great philosophers recognized time and time slips (Time as a flat circle) before the rest of us, therefor it is imperative that we accept that which is real, in nature, just not proven in the lab. Yet.
Bill Turner – Founder, Apparition Mission
