To “Scry” or “Scrying” is the ancient art or practice of using divination to discover hidden knowledge or future events, especially by means of a crystal ball or mirror. The older the mirror, allegedly, the more successful the practice is said to be, the further the reach is. Allegedly, the ball must be true crystal, not glass with bubbles in it, but actual crystal, the kind you would expect to find a witch, a Wiccan to use. Growing up we all heard of scrying, whether we knew it or not…think back to our childhood, to the magic of Walt Disney movies and stories…Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Old Walt brought scrying into all of our homes when we were kids, because he was a magical old fellow, now wasn’t he? As teenagers we spent time in front of the mirror imagining our future. Narcissists spend time in front of the mirror seeing the world as they wish it to be, trying to twist the world into their own twisted vision of the world. However, to truly scry, one does not attempt to twist the vision of the future like the Wicked Witch or B. Hussein Obama, one merely sits back looks deeply into the future, using the proper tools, to see, to scry what the world offers.
Doctor Raymond Moody is widely recognized in the normal and paranormal world as the authority on Mirror Gazing for the purpose of communicating with the dead and seeing what is to come. Doctor Moody has done much research on what it takes to be successful at communicating with the dead, at scrying, at using mirrors for their true purpose, not just seeing how pretty you are. Mirror gazing has been around long before mirrors…In fact, mirror gazing was done, first with bowls full of liquid. Nostradamus used clear or painted bowls for gazing. People have used lakes as well as bowls and crystal balls to gaze upon. This event has proven life changing for people, not just those who were declared witches and burned at the stake. Some cultures have used ink in water for scrying, others have used blood in water and still others have used smoke to gaze into or smoke fanned across water. Native American cultures often use psychoactive substances while gazing, be it at water, smoke or other items, to enhance the imaging. While the imaging is enhanced by our Native American spirit brothers, it is not needed, and it is culturally appropriate for them, it is merely an excuse for us to get high and not needed when we scry. We can achieve the same thing if we do it properly.
There are some things that can be done to make your ventures into scrying more successful:
· Food: Get into a serene state of mind by skipping caffeine and dairy the day of your scrying. Eat modestly, go with comforting fruits and vegetables, your favorite fruits and vegetables…for me it is corn made with honey and black pepper, strawberries, kiwi and melons. Maybe some Pomwonderful and cold water.
· Location: Pick the room in your home that is your favorite, or if the weather is right, the yard or deck that is perfect for you. I have a large front deck, live remotely, off of a one lane Forest Service Road and anyone coming up it is considered and intruder…three seasons out of the year, this is my spot. No phones, no clocks, no television, no disturbances, no animals.
· Clothing: Wear loose fitting clothing that is comfortable, something like sweats, scrubs, something relaxing, you aren’t dressing for a fashion show. No watches, jewelry, no fitness watch that vibrates when your cellphone rings, nothing that will disturb you.
· Mirror: Place a large mirror in front of a comfy chair. Arrange it so that you can gaze deep into the mirror without having to hold your eyes at an uncomfortable angle or keep moving your eyes/head.
· Chair: Seat yourself in your chair. Ensure that your head is supported, even if you are deeply relaxed, so that your head doesn’t fall or move.
· Awareness: Your goal is to ease into an altered state of awareness without being jarred awake, shaken back into consciousness or alerted by sudden movement.
· Posture: Your relaxed posture is a must, or this will fail.
· Mood: Create a soothing, beautiful mood for about fifteen minutes by looking at relaxing art or listening to relaxing music. My choice is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, to induce altered states.
· Memories: Surround yourself with pictures of loved ones you seek to contact. Place them within reach, at eye level around the mirror, so that you do not have to move your head, use articles of clothing with scent, to bring up memories.
· Light: Use candles, light them and place them behind you prior to beginning, so that you have soft light, this will keep the light just right, keep it from bothering you and inspire altered states, while causing the light in the mirror to be just right. Later, you will find mirror gazing can be done in a crowded room, with groups of annoying people and bright lights, but until you master this skill, you will need to hone your skills.
Gaze into the clear depths of the mirror, do not stare. Compare what you are doing to looking into the distance, properly relaxed your arms will feel heavy, your fingers will tingle, which signals the hypnagogic state at work. You will notice the mirror becoming cloudy…don’t get excited, you’ll have to start over. Trust me, I did. You want the image to resemble a cloudy day, as that is success. A change in the appearance of the mirror indicates that visions are about to appear. Both Dr. Moody, in his research and through my experience, can attest, attempting to direct images after they start will almost always cause them to vanish. Conscious thought brings us out of the hypnagogic state. Be patient, the images usually last less than a minute and flow into another. The better you get at this, the longer the images will last. Doctor Moody states that you should write down your images as soon as you are done. Journal these sessions, write down your images and what you think and feel about them, for these images are key to YOUR future and what YOU see and feel about it.
If you do not see anything during a session do not worry, do not consider it a failure. Look back upon your session and consider what could have caused you not to see anything. Did you have interruptions? Did you not relax? Did you not truly get deep into the session? Be honest with what you are telling yourself. Telling yourself a lie is only hurting you. Journal what kept you from seeing something and try to eliminate that cause the next time. If it is a relaxation issue, maybe a glass of wine or some melatonin is the answer next time. If you cannot make it without coffee, maybe you should scry in the morning before you have coffee. Find the time that fits your mind and body, for the key to your soul is within you. The most important thing to remember are the words of Yoda, “Don’t try, scry”.

Bill Turner, Pastor – Leader, The Apparition Mission